Fairlawn Business Directory
A place to view business owners who attend Fairlawn.

If you are a business owner who attends Fairlawn Church, we would love to have your business a part of the directory. This will allow other Fairlawn attendees seek out businesses within Fairlawn when they need work done. Click the "Business Directory Sign Up" button to add your business to the directory.

If you are a person who needs work done, click the "View Business Directory" button to check our businesses that are owned by a Fairlawn Church attendee. 

Business Directory Sign Up View Business Directory
Fairlawn Service Directory
A place for business owners to offer a service to individuals.

If you are a business owner who would like to offer services to individuals with a price break, click the "Service Directory Sign Up" button.

If you are an individual looking for services from a business, click the "Fairlawn Service Directory" button.

Service Directory Sign Up
Fairlawn Project Directory
A place for individuals to offer their skills to help other individuals.

If you are an individual who has skills in a particular area and is willing to offer them to help others, click the "Project Directory Sign Up" button.

If you are an individual looking for work to be done and would like to see who has offered their skills, click the "Fairlawn Project Directory" button.

Project Directory Sign Up
Fairlawn Apprenticeship Program
A place to find Fairlawn businesses willing to offer apprenticeships.

If you are a business owner who is willing to offer an apprenticeship to individuals, click the "Apprenticeship Program Sign Up" button.

If you are an individual wanting to see Fairlawn businesses offering apprenticeships, click the "Fairlawn Apprenticeship Program" button.

Apprenticeship Program Sign Up