Interested in membership?
Here's the process
  • Take the Discover Fairlawn Class
  • Complete a get to know you interview with a pastor
  • We'll help you make a get to know you video for the congregation
  • Be welcomed as a member on a scheduled Sunday 
Register for membership
Why we value membership

1. Covenant Membership unites the body of Christ together. It embraces the biblical understanding that the Christian life is meant to be lived together, with its members actively relying on each other and building each other up in love. We value a heart attitude of “how can I invest in the people around me”, rather than “what can I get from the people around me.”

2. Covenant Membership enables the Fairlawn Leadership Team to more intentionally care for and equip the church. The Fairlawn Leadership Team is committed to intentionally caring for the members of this local body. Our Membership Covenant helps us to know who in our church desires to be intentionally cared for and equipped. We desire to fulfill our commitment to our Covenant Members as leaders who will “give an account” for those in our care.         (Hebrews 13:17)

3. Covenant Membership holds the Fairlawn leadership and Covenant Members accountable for their profession of faith. We believe Scripture clearly reveals that those who have made a commitment to Christ ought to be held accountable to walk in a manner worthy of that profession. God has planned that believers are to be accountable to each other and to the leadership at their local church. This accountability helps our Leadership and Covenant Members faithfully pursue growth in Christ together; as we do this, we will testify to the beauty of the body of Christ to the watching world.